The sweet spot.

For me, the sweet spot is that place where technology meets library. I absolutely love blogging, creating electronic newsletters, making book trailers with iMovie, trying new apps and gadgets that I think might help you learn or help you enjoy a library resource.  I can’t tell you how excited I am to show you the new library web site and to get rolling with this new blog. My hope is that the web site fulfills your practical information needs and that the blog fulfills a different need, one that is the truly fun side of librarianship: introducing you to your new favorite book, forging new bonds on campus through a shared reading experience, learning about cool new tools…this is truly my favorite part of my work and what makes this my dream job. Honestly. This isn’t just about me, though. I can’t wait to hear YOUR voice as well. If you’d like to contribute something–a book review, a book club idea, a crafty idea for re-purposed books– please do! Just use this form.If it’s cool and library-related, I want to know about it.

Speaking of cool, here’s a little something for my neighbors to my left and to my right, the English and History faculty: Hank and John Green (yes, that John Green of The Fault in Our Stars fame), better known on Youtube as the Vlogbrothers, in their fabulous new venture: historical, literary, and scientific crash courses.

Here’s a literary crash course and below, a historical one. Watch these! Be educated while entertained! Enjoy!! Use the comment feature to let me know what you think.

Bye for now!


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